Horion Interactive Flat Panel M3A Appeared at the DES in Spain

2021-06-18 10:32:43
Abstract:In May 2021, the DES was held in Madrid, Spain. As a well-known brand in the commercial display field, Horion brought the Smart Interactive Flat Panel M3A to the DES. With excellent product performance and broad market prospects, M3A has won favor and praise from local dealers and end customers.

In May 2021, the DES was held in Madrid, Spain. As a well-known brand in the commercial display field, Horion brought the Smart Interactive Flat Panel M3A to the DES. With excellent product performance and broad market prospects, M3A has won favor and praise from local dealers and end customers.

Currently, the COVID-19 epidemic remains severe in foreign countries, and the demand for remote collaborative office and remote video conference has increased significantly. With excellent office collaboration capability and video conference solution, Horion Interactive Flat Panel brought a new smart conference experience to visitors. Its simple interaction and rich features attracted many visitors, among which, the smart whiteboard function became the focus of attention.

Horion Smart Interactive Flat Panel M3A supports real-time sharing in different places, in addition to touch writing and display of high-definition pictures and videos. The information written on the screen can be delivered to the participants directly and conveniently, making the conference communication more real-time, faster and more efficient, and meeting the needs of remote office and teaching under the current epidemic situation.

In addition, Horion Smart Interactive Flat Panel supports remote video conferences and makes it easier to meet and collaborate in different places. It can transmit the meeting scene in real time, without delay and with high stability, allowing you to communicate and interact with other participants in real time, no matter where you are.

Horion has established independent “Horion Offices” in many regions around the world. Horion’s general agent office in Spain is one of the largest IT solution providers in Europe, focusing on providing IT solutions for large enterprises and governments. It has complete online and offline sales channels, and will work with Horion in the future to increase the awareness of Horion brand in the European market, so that more enterprises and institutions can achieve a new experience of efficient office.
